Layout can both be one of the easiest and one of the trickiest areas of web design. Sometimes a developer can bust out an amazing layout in minutes and sometimes that same developer can struggle for the better part of a day with the same task. Each task is phone calls, and unique for a distinctive solution, but I’ve found it helpful to keep a few rock-solid and incredibly versatile alignments at heart that I can bust out after I get stuck.
The ten designs below should be enough to get you through even the most severe instances of designer’s stop when you can’t figure out the best way to arrange this content on your page. Web page design is equivalent parts technology and artwork. Creating something that’s visually attractive and unique takes an artist’s eye. However, there are several very easy to follow suggestions that you can use to generate solid designs that work for just about any number of instances. Designers stress out much too much about the design process often. We have a tendency to approach a project while convinced that it requires to be completely unique in every respect to be worth our time and the client’s money.
However, if you have a good shop around the web you’ll see that isn’t necessarily the case. Great looking websites often use designs that are fairly simple and not at all unique. It’s true that the pages we designers marvel at the most are often from the peculiar sites that break the mold, however your average client wants something usable, clean, and professional.
In this informative article we’re heading to take a look at ten very common designs that you can find on countless sites over the web. Notice that the way these websites are designed, indicating the colors, fonts, and graphics, is unique, however the basic framework of the websites themselves are based on tried and true methods for installation of a web page.
If you’re a web designer, bookmark this page and keep coming back next time you get stuck installation of a web page. Keep in mind that each of the following layouts represents a basic suggestion that you should mold and modify. I encourage one to not use them as is but put your own spin on them based on the needs of your project. This is probably the most simple design on the list. In fact, you’ll be tempted to think that it’s much too simple to ever fit your own needs.
- Keep a detailed Watch on your own Blog or Website with Si
- Uses bundle node-xlsx to learn data from Excel spreadsheet
- Change your Joomla template and remove the example items from your Joomla set up
- No limit on individuals (average is 70-90)
If this is the case, you’ll be surprised if you truly put some thought into how flexible the arrangement really is. The three boxes layout features one main graphic area accompanied by two smaller boxes underneath. Each one of these can be filled with a visual, a stop of a text message or an assortment of both.
The main box in this design is usually a jQuery slider, capable of showcasing as much content as you want! The silhouetted forms along the top are areas that can be used for logos, company names, navigation, search bars, and any informational and useful content typically on the website.
This design is perfect for a portfolio page or whatever needs to show off a few sample graphics. Each of the images is actually a link leading to a more substantial, more technical gallery page. Later in the article we’ll observe how to mix this idea up even further.